Mothers and Others; Cups and Mugs (Experience Class)




Product Description

Mothers and Others; Cups and Mugs
April 27th, Saturday, 2-4pm

Get ready for Mothers day and join us at The Bray for a special Mothers and Others Cups and Mugs family class! Create a one of a kind, slab built and hand decorated mug or cup that is sure to wow (mom upside down) any mother figure in your life. Whether you’re looking to experience clay for the first time or are seeking a fun filled creative activity — our Experience Classes offer hands-on learning for a variety of student types, abilities, and interests. Works made will be ready for pick up 2 weeks following your class right in time for Mothers Day and our annual Pots and Plants event! Information on pick up will be provided at the time of your class. Please Note: Registration is $45 per person. One registration = One person.


AGE: 9+
LEVEL: Beginner to Intermediate
INSTRUCTOR: Sarah Alsaied

*A Minimum of 6 is required for this class to run